Thu, April 18, 9pm – 11pm The Jazz I Ensemble under the direction of Michael Hackett will perform a concert. This concert is free and open to the public at Light Recital Hall in The Greenhill Center of the Arts, 950 W Main St, Whitewater, WI 53190
Tag: jazz musician
Derrick Gardner’s Free Late Night Jam at Winnipeg Jazz Fest – 6/20-23
SEE Prof. DERRICK GARDNER HOSTING THE LATE NIGHT JAM of The 2018 TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival: Wed June 20 Thu June 21 Fri June 22 Sat June 23 11pm @ The Velvet Glove Lounge in The Fairmont 2 Lombard Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y3
Mardi Jazz at CCFM w/ Devon Gillingham & Derrick Gardner – May 8th
Tuesday, May 8th at 8 PM Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain – CCFM 340 Provencher Blvd, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H0G7
Derrick E. Gardner teaches Ottowa Jazz Works Camp Composers – Aug 14-20
The JazzWorks summer Jazz Workshop is a three-day jazz workshop, with a two-day or 3-day extension option, offering instruction, coaching, peer support, networking and…lots of fun! Composer’s Symposium 2-day option starts Tuesday August 15, 5:00 pm. The 3-day CS option starts Monday, August 14, 5:00 PM. Jazz Camp runs Thursday August 17, 5:00 pm to…Continue reading Derrick E. Gardner teaches Ottowa Jazz Works Camp Composers – Aug 14-20